Only 34 tickets left!

Attention: Solar Sales Pros, Managers, and Business Owners...

"How to Master Your Solar Referrals & Rise Above The Competition"

Will Discover The "7 Solar Referral Accelerators" to Skyrocket Your Sales Without Knocking More Doors & Sacrificing Your Life to Hit Your Numbers

APRIL 17, 2024 | SANDY, UTAH

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🌞 Introducing the Mastering Solar Referrals Bootcamp 🌞

Ready to unlock the power of referrals and skyrocket your success in the solar industry? Join us for an intensive and interactive Mastering Solar Referrals Bootcamp designed to take your referral game to the next level!

🔆 What is the Mastering Solar Referrals Bootcamp? 🔆

The Mastering Solar Referrals Bootcamp is a comprehensive training program crafted specifically for solar professionals who are eager to harness the untapped potential of referrals. Whether you're a seasoned solar veteran or just starting out in the industry, this bootcamp will provide you with the strategies, tools, and techniques you need to generate a steady stream of high-quality referrals and grow your business exponentially.

🚀 What You'll Learn 🚀

Proven Referral Strategies: Discover tried-and-tested strategies for generating referrals consistently and effectively, even in competitive markets.Building Referral Networks: Learn how to cultivate strong relationships with customers, partners, and industry influencers to maximize your referral opportunities.Referral Marketing Tactics: Explore innovative referral marketing tactics and campaigns that will set you apart from the competition and attract more qualified leads.Tracking and Optimization: Master the art of tracking and optimizing your referral efforts to ensure maximum ROI and long-term success.Overcoming Challenges: Gain insights into common referral challenges and learn how to overcome them with confidence and grace.

Don't wait – secure your spot in the Solar Referral Bootcamp today!



Unlock the Power of Referrals >
Learn proven strategies and tactics to leverage the power of referrals and transform them into a consistent source of high-quality leads and clients for your solar business.

Maximize Your ROI >
Referrals are one of the most cost-effective and efficient ways to grow your business. Discover how to optimize your referral processes to maximize your return on investment and skyrocket your revenue.

Marketing That Works >
Build a marketing system that consistently positions you as the trusted expert and makes selling a breeze.



Stay Ahead of the Competition >
In today's competitive solar market, standing out is essential. By mastering the art of referrals, you'll differentiate yourself from the competition and position your business as the go-to choice for solar solutions.

Build Stronger Relationships >
Referrals are built on trust and relationships. Learn how to cultivate strong connections with your customers, partners, and industry influencers to create a referral network that drives sustainable growth.

Follow Up For More Sales >
Learn the 4 phase follow up framework to help you capitalize on every lead and increase your sales from leads you already have.


Building A Pipeline >
Find out how to build and manage a sales pipeline that's simple and effective.

Marketing & Sales Automation >
Discover the best automation practices that the elite use and learn how simple it is to automat your marketing and sales efforts.

Using AI to close more deals >
AI is here to stay, find out how to use AI to speed up your sales flow, create marketing content, and even keep conversations going for you.

And that's just the start.

Why This Bootcamp Is Essential

Here Are 5 Reasons Why You Want To Make It A Priority


Expert Guidance

Learn from seasoned professionals with years of experience in the solar sales and marketing industry. Their insights and proven techniques will provide you with invaluable knowledge to sharpen your skills and overcome challenges in your business.


Comprehensive Curriculum

The bootcamp dives deep on referrals and allows you to learn from some of the best in the industry on what it takes to build a referral based business. However your are generating your leads right now is great but wouldn't it be awesome to have a flow of automatic leads coming in through referrals?


Immediate Action Plan

You'll walk away from the bootcamp with a clear, actionable plan to implement the strategies and tactics you've learned. This empowers you to make immediate improvements in your sales process and start experiencing results as soon as you return to your business.


Networking Opportunities

Attending the bootcamp provides a unique opportunity to connect with like-minded professionals in the solar sales industry. Share experiences, discuss challenges, and build valuable relationships that can lead to future collaborations and business growth.


Competitive Advantage

By investing in your education and skill development, you'll gain a significant edge over competitors who aren't as well-prepared. The knowledge and strategies you acquire at the bootcamp will position you as an expert in your field, enabling you to win more deals and drive your business to new heights.

Bootcamp Tickets

Choose your ticket type for the Solar Referral Bootcamp



Regular Seating

1 day of speakers, panelists, workshops, Q&A, and networking!

Bootcamp Lanyard

Want your General Admission ticket FREE? Buy your solarcon ticket or sponsor package with our promo code "TAYLOR" & get your Boot Camp ticket FREE. Must email proof of solarcon ticket purchase to



Only 10 Tickets Available

ONLY $99 W/ PURCHASE OF SOLARCON TICKET OR SPONSOR. Email proof of purchase to

VIP Networking & dinner the evening Day One

1 days of speakers, panelists, workshops, Q&A, and networking!

Bootcamp Lanyard

TSA Membership Levels

Join The No B.S. Inner Circle membership and community of entrepreneurs and business owners just like you!



If you're ready to join an exclusive community of solar professionals that are investing in themselves to grow their knowledge, skillset, and income... This is for you!

Private Community Access >
Become part of our exclusive community of solar professionals that invest in themselves to grow (not a Facebook group)

Daily Fire >

Daily solar tips, motivation, and ideas to own the day!

The Golden Rolodex >

Now you have access to the nation's most robust and vetted list of certified professionals, including Lead generation, installers/EPCs, and financiers.



If you want to add live monthly training from experts and access to a library of tools, quick training, and checklists (The Lab), then Diamond is for you!

Everything in Gold Plus...

Monthly Live Training >

Monthly Live Training With Industry Experts On Marketing, Sales, Installation, and Finance.

The Lab >

Unlimited access to The Lab, a robust library of quick "to-the-point" training, tools, cheat sheets, and checklists to improve your solar skills and produce results fast.

Bootcamp Ticket >

One (1) ticket to any Solar Academy Live Bootcamp held across the nation (approximately 4 per year).



If you're ready to join an exclusive community of solar professionals that are investing in themselves to grow their knowledge, skillset, and income... This is for you!

Everything in Diamond Plus...

All Access Pass >

Get a VIP ticket to all Solar Academy Live Bootcamps throughout the year.

Weekly Live Training >

Join industry experts in solar, sales, marketing, installation, finance, recruiting, business growth, and more.

Access To All Recordings > Access all recordings of weekly and monthly training.

Exclusive Swag >

Get the NEW Solar Academy Hat and T-shirt only Inner Circle members wear.

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